Tennis Life Lessons

Why I Returned to the Sport of Tennis

When I left the sport of tennis for a couple of years, I felt like it was no longer serving me. I wasn't earning a lot of money from the sport, and I questioned whether it was for me. Leaving the sport proved to me how much it played a big role in my life, however. I didn't know that I would miss it so much!

When I returned to the sport of tennis, I finally realized how much I missed the sport and how much I wanted to play again. I started practicing and felt a thrill of joy as I hit the ball. It was so exciting to return to my favorite sport.

Life Lesson: It's okay to take a break from something, but you don't have to give it up entirely! Even if it's not making you a lot of money right away, don't give up your passion or something you love to do. Find a deeper purpose than making money. If something brings you a lot of joy, try again and have fun with it! Don't give up what makes you happy!